

We are happy to inform you that and Dr. Hristov will offer you here interesting news related not only to Dr. Hristov’s practice and professional website but also to dental medicine in general and the specifics of dental implantology. will bring to your attention interesting publications and curios stories from the dental practice around the world.

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Yours sincerely,
Dr. Hristov


… or at least seek a second opinion. It often happens that after a day or two of bad toothache you run to the dental emergency where an x-ray shows a granuloma and you are advised to have your tooth extracted as the only possible cure for your pain.


The new generation of implants by Anthogyr - Axiom ® is a synthesis of the latest scientific achievements in the area of functional and aesthetic implant integration

A new method for restoration of the masticatory apparatus in cases of partial or complete edentulism

Nowadays the restoration of partial or complete edentulism is achieved through intraosseous implants combined with fixed or semi-fixed prosthetic structure.

Diabetes & teeth

Sugar diabetes (diabetes mellitus; from Greek: διαβαινω, which is often called only diabetes, is a disease characterized by increased levels of blood sugar (glucose) in the body due to decreased cell response to insulin (glucose) or to its reduced synthesis and secretion.

Laser surgery in dental medicine

Advanced technologies have nowadays made their way into medicine. Until only ten years ago laser techniques were almost unsuitable for this use – bulky equipment, very high cost, limited functionality, etc.

Maxilary sinus perforation

The word “Maxilla” is of Latin origin and means upper jaw and thus maxillary sinus is the cavity of the upper jaw. Maxillary sinus perforation is a very common complication of upper teeth extraction.

case reports

The word casuistic derives from the Latin word casus and means “a specific case”.